Rent the Lab
Click here for more information on the Action Lab space.
Have just a few clarifying questions? Contact our Booking Coordinator at actionlab@skillssociety.ca.
Or if you’re ready to book, fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch shortly!
Did you know you can also book us for facilitation? Check out our Workshops and Social Innovation page for more on this.
Lab availablity
Rent the Action Lab
Please be aware that your request is subject to availability of the lab. Someone from our team will be in touch to help you after you complete the form.
Important information
#210 Parkington Plaza
10408 – 124 Street NW
Edmonton, AB
T5N 1R5
7am to 6pm parking in the South building directly behind the Skills building, $4/hr or $10/day (these rates may change at the discretion of the parking authority).
Impark lot, north of Stony Plain Rd by Pizza 73
Free parking within 2 blocks North or West of the building
Free street parking (after 6pm)
Download a map of parking in the area here.
The building hours are 8am - 5 pm, any groups renting the space after these hours will need a greeter at the front lobby entrance to let people in after 5pm. If you’re not able to have a greeter, we can look into providing one for you through our disabilities employment program.
We can also provide a poster for the front door with the phone number of your choosing and a contact person for anybody who arrives late. On the poster we would provide the name of the event, where in the building it is and the phone number. We would not put anybody’s name on the poster.
At this time we do not offer catering. For your convenience, here are a few we have used and know how to get to the Action Lab:
Equi-tea Multicultural Catering (780-423-1973)
For a larger list of catering options, please ask for our list of restaurants around 124 st and Brewery District,
Parking: There is limited parking available around the action lab. There is some free street parking in the surrounding neighborhoods. Pay parking on the street is available as well as an impark lot on the same block. There is not accessible parking nearby but there is a loading zone in the front of the building that can be used for drop offs and pick-ups.
Front Entrance: There is a barrier free entrance into the building with automatic doors activated by push buttons. There is a curb cut available on the north and south corners of the sidewalk leading up to the front entrance.
Elevator Access: There are two elevators located directly in front of you as you enter the building. They are small but can accommodate a typical power wheelchair. Upon entering the elevator, the second floor button must be selected.
Washroom Access: There is a barrier free, all gender washroom located next to the Action Lab.